Hike for Hospice and Grand Opening at Huron Residential Hospice

Huron Residential Hospice, located on highway 8, between Holmesville and Clinton, will host this year’s annual ‘Hike for Hospice’ fundraiser on Sunday May 6 to support the expansion of hospice palliative care programs that will add residential hospice beds in the community this spring.

 The event will also include the official Grand Opening of the new 4-bed Hospice and the event will provide the public with an opportunity to visit the home before residents are admitted. 

Huron Residential Hospice will provide 24 hour/7 days a week care and support through highly skilled registered nursing staff who have specialized training in hospice palliative care as well as dedicated trained volunteers who also have expertise in hospice palliative care.

The “Hike for Hospice” is part of an ongoing $2.5 million capital funding campaign which includes the purchase of the 12-acre property that is home to the Hospice, renovations to the existing home, and financial resources to support the first year of operations.

According to census data, between 500 and 600 Huron County residents pass away each year. The 4 bed Huron Residential Hospice will be able to build upon the wonderful hospice palliative care services that currently exist in Huron and Perth by providing another option where people facing end of life may seek care and support.

Support for grieving family members and friends is also a critical component of a comprehensive hospice palliative care program.  It is likely that almost every resident of Huron County will someday be touched by the sensitive supports and hospice palliative programs offered at or associated with Huron Residential Hospice.

The Hike for Hospice will be held at the Hospice site and will also include the new ‘Tranquility Trail’ which is located on the property.  The trail offers an opportunity for people to experience nature in a quiet, natural setting and provides for a time to reflect and think which can provide for emotional release and restorative effect.  It is with this intent that members of the Bayfield and Maitland Trail Associations with the assistance of Woodland Links Golf Course have undertaken the effort to create the gift of a walking path, through the tall grasses and natural pasture located behind the home.

Everyone is invited to come out and participate at “The Hike for Hospice and Grand Opening” The event will also feature games for children, music and lots of entertainment for everyone.

Registration for the hike is at 12:30pm, with the grand opening and ribbon cutting scheduled for 1:15pm followed by the hike at 1:30pm. There will be organized tours of the home and the public is invited to come and see the home and the stay to enjoy a pig roast at 3:00pm. Tickets for the dinner are $20, and children under 10 eat free.

Hikers that gather more than $100 in pledges will eat free!!

Come out and support this event and help our community make moments matter for those in our community who are in need of care and support at end of life!

More details about the event, including online registration for the hike are available at www.HuronResidentialHospice.com or call 519-482-3440 x6301.